The Founder & CEO of this company came to Isis in the ideation phase with a desire to enter a saturated market of digital payments and “buy now, pay later” systems. After gathering a few details on company goals and vision, the need for a strong name & identity was critical for the foundation of the brand framework.

With a mission to provide its audience with equal opportunities to travel, Isis developed a brand name and tagline that would embody the company’s story and objective: Barrier.

The brand aspired to be associated with several keywords: happy, seamless, and adventure. Therefore, a paper plane was used to symbolize a carefree travel with “no barriers”, while a bold color palette was used to evoke delight and exploration.

Customers needed to feel compelled to travel when engaging with the Barrier.  Isis’ goal for visual assets usage for social media and campaigns was to inspire its audience to travel through vibrant hues that drive and engagement and conversion.


JFK + DoMore


Entanglements Card Game